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Politics of the Machines | 2024 Submission Platform

Welcome to POM 2024 Submission Platform

Please use this space ONLY if you are willing to be part of POM Aachen 2024 | Lifelikness & Beyond Volume 1 Submissiong group.

Volume 01 Submission

Full Papers Submission:  31 August 2024
End of Review Process: 1 October 2024
Camera Ready Papers Submission: 15 October 2024
Publication: End 2024 / Beginning of 2025 (TBA)

Submission Document

Please upload your full paper following the BCS format (minus credentials), making sure that your uploaded document does not contain any information inside it that could identify you and your co-authors, such as names, affiliations, addresses, contact details...etc.

Submitted documents must remain anonymous at this stage to insure a double-blind review process. You will be asked to re-upload the full paper with your author details at the final submission stage. Any inclusion of identifying information inside your uploaded documents during this stage will result in the cancellation of your submission.

BCS submission guidlines can be found here


Review and Program Committees:



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