POM Beirut 2019
In an area afflicted with multifaceted conflicts, art can become an agent for dialogue, an agent for resolution, or it can get itself involved in the clash.
The 2nd edition of the POM Conference on Art/Conflict, POM Beirut 2019 will be hosted by the Institute of Visual Communica- tion (IVC) at the International University (IU) – Beirut campus, Lebanon, June 2019 ,14-11.
The POM – Politics of The Machines is a conference series founded by Laura Beloff, ITU Copenhagen, and Morten Sønder- gaard, AAU Aalborg, Denmark.
POM Beirut 2019 is organized by the IVC under the Fine Arts & Design Department in collaboration with the Communication Arts and the Computer Science departments.
POM Beirut will comprise four days of conferences with multiple tracks of paper sessions, panels, workshops, exhibitions, and keynote speakers. The tracks will be generated based on a call for topics contextualized under the wide frame of Politics of the Machines, art/conflict. Each track will have several smaller thematic sessions for submission, each chaired by participants selected from the call for topics phase. Through its suggested tracks, POM Beirut will be addressing subjects related to art practices in relation to conflicts and will be questioning several topics on the politics of the machines, and art production in the context of conflicts.
The goal of this edition of POM will be to tackle art practices and the relation of art to the machine. In parallel, it will also focus on understanding the influence and relation between art and conflict. POM will tend to explore the connection between the violence of conflict and violence as a process in art production; the role of conflict in the sociopolitical environment and how it relates to the field of art, science, and technology.
POM Beirut will also try for a better understanding of the engage- ment and responsiveness of people and organizations to conflict, exploring how art may serve as a tool for resolution and for social inclusion; or as a counter-argument, a tool for conflict and/or violence. Conflict can also be understood as a contradict- ing force within an artwork, artistic methods or in a subject matter, it may also push for ethical questions or reveal conflict of interests.
The conference will also encompass few more technical approaches: some tracks may focus on technology employment and conflict, be it armed conflict or conflict provoked by art, the effects of the constant monitoring, surveillance and how we dwell in the panopticon. How today’s simulations reflect what is actual and how technology, at this level creates or allows for error, failure and risk. POM will also cover the need to problema- tize certain aspects of teleworking, telemarketing and tele-surveil- lance and seek to understand the affinity of technology, violence and power relations.
The Charted Institute of IT

POM Beirut 2019 proceedings are published at the BCS British Computer Society – The Chartered Institute of IT (eWic platform).
POM Beirut 2019 “Art/Conflict” has a standalone website including all the details of the 2nd edition of the conference.
paper presentations
over 3 conference days
sessions with 11 tracks
on art/conflict
participants and more
than 100 attendees
Based on a call for topics
for track details please visit POM Beirut 2019 standalone website.
Track 01
Arab revolutions:
Refugees, Communication technology, Mobile connectivity.
Chairs Hassan Choubassi, Joe Elias.
Track 02
Terrorism machines:
Art production, Sociopolitical implications.
Chairs Afif Arabi, Zena Meskaoui.
Track 03
Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0):
Art, Cyberphysics, Automated creativity.
Chair Bassam Hussein
Track 04
The Battlefield of Vision:
Perceptions of War and Wars on Perception.
Chair Matt Wraith
Track 05
Internet of things:
Dystopian Artificial Intelligence, Black Boxes.
Chairs Alia Ghaddar, Fadi Yammout, Helena Nikonole.
Track 06
Living machines:
Wars within living organisms.
Chairs Laura Beloff, Nora Vaage, Clarissa Ribeiro.
Track 07
Artificial intelligence for art AIA:
Computational creativity, Neural networks, Simulating human activity.
Chair Robert B. Lisek.
Track 08
Permanent Telesurveillance:
Privacy, Data Protection, Panopticon.
Chairs Mireille Makary, Imad ElZein.
Track 09
The Politics of Evidence:
Refugees, Frictions, Sound-representation.
Chairs Morten Søndergaard, Luz Maria Sanchez, Monica Bassbous.
Track 10
Body-politics of the machines:
Troubles WITH/IN/OUT art, Body, Perception, Politics, and Technology.
Chairs Ingrid Cogne and Patrícia J. Reis.
Track 11
The Ecosystem Analogy:
Machinery of Nature, Borrowed landscapes, Anthropology of the near.
Chairs Thomas Patrick Pringle, Tarek Mourad, Theo Lepage-Richer.
Executive committee
Dr. Laura BELOFF
Steering committee
Dr. Laura BELOFF
Mr. Tarek MOURAD
Conference chairs
Dr. Laura BELOFF
Organizing committee
Mr. Tarek MOURAD
Ms. Yara AYOUB
Artists | Authors | Co-authors
for participants’ details please visit POM Beirut 2019 standalone website.